Why is that something you’d want to seek out? Because it’s the real you, and the real you is worth listening too. The real you always work to your higher good, no matter what your facing in life, the real you will always look after you.
Affirmations V Afformations
Afformations on the other hand can help you find solutions to help you on that path to your goals, taking advantage of the fact that your brain loves to answer the questions you ask it. They also help with that voice of negativity which can always creep into an affirmation if your mindset isn’t in the right place.
Working Less & Creating More
WORKING LESS AND CREATING MORE, BUT HOW? When you learn how to channel your thoughts properly, consciously as well as sub-consciously, those thoughts can have a profound effect on your life and you can start to see life very differently… These are my thoughts on how you can use them to empower yourself, helping guide you […]