
Working with Claire can be accessed in several different ways:
- Through FREE published media including her Resources Hub, Podcasts, YouTube, & her Facebook community the Intuitive Development Club.
Ideal for those wanting a flavour and starting point for their own journeys. - Through workshops, online courses & programmes, check the Resources Hub for next event dates.
Ideal for those wanting to learn & use more Intuitive tools to support personal growth, balance & to create a toolkit they can use to help others. - Through 1-2-1 mentoring sessions
Ideal for those who find benefit in having their own personal guide to walk them through this part of their journey, or whose own bespoke journey is much deeper and co-creative in nature, with the ability to explore new territories, new tools, and for the pioneers whose paths are being freshly trodden. All mentoring sessions are recorded enabling you to create your own personal library.
Claire is highly experienced in supporting therapists, practitioners & energy workers in a variety of professions & modalities with expanding their toolkits & intuitive senses, she is, therefore, familiar with & holds a level of knowledge across these many services, as well as completing courses in a couple of modalities herself.
Claire is also familiar with supporting professionals from a wide variety of services to support their own professional growth beyond that which they can access from other mainstream sources, including professionals in the corporate & public sector industries to authors, all of whom are making high level, high-risk decisions & choices or who are working & sourcing their material & ideas in part…intuitively.
In addition, Claire’s an excellent guide to have alongside you on your journey of self-discovery, either for a brief or longer period, Claire is highly experienced in helping you to open the right doors for you, at the right time, to follow the route that’s in your own highest interests and not anyone else’s, to learn and build the tools that are right for you, also if relevant to seek alternative mentors & practices that are beneficial for you. The unique benefit of working with Claire on your own journey is that she will take her lead from your own guides, allowing you both access to your own ‘blueprint’, meaning she is led from the perspective of your own highest interests in that moment.