Your Kundalini & Enhanced Intuitive Practice

Next level communications, alchemy, healing & trouble shooting

Discover transformative techniques to harness the power of your inner energy, enhancing your communication skills, deepening your healing practices, and effectively resolving life’s challenges.

The course costs £125 or 2 payments of £65/month.

For more information and to sign up please follow this link to Your Kundalini & Enhanced Intuitive Practice page within my Intuitive You School on the Teachable platform at



Next level communications, alchemy, healing & trouble shooting

Discover transformative techniques to harness the power of your inner energy, enhancing your communication skills, deepening your healing practices, and effectively resolving life’s challenges.


Dive into the transformative power of Kundalini energy, and discover how to harness it to elevate your communication skills, alchemy, healing practices, and problem-solving abilities.

Working with your Kundalini, your physical and spiritual centre gives you access to working with all four of your layers of existence at the same time as well as your light code DNA the suitcase you packed before you came.

Interested in channelling your communications to its fullest extent, this is where it is done from? Interested in working with your own Ark of Covenant, your own greater purpose and the covenants of other life forms? This is where we can work with alchemy and covenants together. Interested in working with Akashic codes and patterns for healing in the modern age, this is where we can access it all.

Whether you’re a healer seeking to amplify your therapeutic impact or someone keen on mastering the art of clear and compassionate communication, this journey offers tools for growth and transformation. Apply these teachings to real-world scenarios and watch as doors open to more harmonious and effective interactions, promoting both personal growth and healing in all aspects of life.


What you will learn

*Learning to work with the Kundalini & convenance of people, animals and nature

*Awakening your spiritual & physical centre, learning to keep it viable & energised

*Deconflicting yours and others kundalini, lifting the suitcase luggage that no longer serves

*Ensuring your Gatekeeper is at the centre of your maintenance

*Working with alchemy across all four layers of existence from this place

*Accessing next level Akashic healing

*Working with the fullest extent and function of your light code DNA

*Using the Contracts, Karma, Ancestral, Akashic tools for yours and others benefit

*Channelling long and detailed communications from other consciousness

*Enhancing your instincts from this centre to enhance all communications

*Connecting your own collective conscious to this centre for enhanced support

And more…….


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